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Best Fuel Source?

Gas (natural gas or liquid propane) – Fireplaces, stoves or inserts which use gas are very convenient and can usually be ignited with switches, remote controls, timers or thermostats. Most gas fireplaces and gas stoves come in vented or vent-free options. Vent-free products require no flue or venting. Vented products use flue components that are vented horizontally out the side of the building or vertically through the roof. They are relatively maintenance-free and are simple to use.

Pellets - Pellets are made of compressed, recycled sawdust that are sold in bags or by bulk and can be used only in pellet stoves or inserts designed to burn pellets. Most pellet stoves are very efficient (50-80%) and can be controlled by a thermostat. They are simple to use, but do require regular maintenance such as: loading with pellets, ash removal and a thorough annual cleaning of stove and flue. Pellet inserts can be installed inside of most existing wood fireplaces ; free standing pellet stoves can be vented horizontally through the side of the home or through the roof.

Wood stoves/ Wood inserts – For many, firewood is readily available and can be a great fuel choice for heating your home. It is possible to use wood as a primary heat source and reduce your dependence on gas heat or electricity. It does require effort with loading (usually 3 times a day) and wood stoves and flue components must be cleaned a minimum of once a year for efficiency and safety. Wood is the one fuel a consumer can go out and get for themselves - and can still heat a house without any electricity needed.

Electric - There are many realistic options for electric fireplaces, stoves and inserts today. Most allow you to simply plug in and flip a switch to experience the heat and ambience. They are very clean and easy to manage with little or no maintenance required.